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Real Estate Agent Blogs - Wayne Canning Peak Realty Ltd.
Wayne Canning Sales Representatives
  • Wayne Canning
  • Sales Representatives
  • 519-747-0231
  • Diane Canning
  • Sales Representative
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Agent Blogs

Jan 31

Preparing Your Home for the Spring Market

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (22726)
Ideas for getting Your Home Ready for Sale in the Springtime   As the days get longer and the weather starts to warm up, many homeowners start thinking about selling their home. Springtime is historically the busiest time of the year for home sales. It can be like a breath of fresh... [ more ]
Nov 7

Remembrance Day

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (9838)
This poem was written in 2004 by Wayne’s father, James A. Canning.  He was a World War II veteran and served in Europe with 86th Bridge Company alongside allied forces in Holland, France, Belgium and England.  In recent years, his poetry has been published across North America and... [ more ]
Apr 25

Typical Costs of Buying a Home in Waterloo Region

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (9884)
When purchasing a home in the Region of Waterloo, there are additional costs that you should expect to incur.  Listed below are the typical costs that most home buyers can expect.  Please note that costs will vary depending on your specific circumstances.   Ontario Land... [ more ]
Apr 5

Taking the STRESS out of closing on your Dream Home

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (9583)
Okay, so you’ve found your dream home, you’ve made an offer, it was accepted, and the conditions of finance approval and home inspection have been satisfied. So now you wait. Waiting through the weeks and days until you can finally call the house your own, can be a stressful time,... [ more ]
Feb 29

Navigating through Multiple Offers

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (9464)
As we move closer to spring of 2016, it has become evident that the housing market in Waterloo Region is continuing to evolve and heat up. With a less than adequate supply of new listings and an abundance of buyers, multiple offers are becoming more common, especially for homes that appeal to... [ more ]
Feb 3

Where or Where to Buy a Home

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (9378)
WHERE OH WHERE TO BUY A HOME IN K-W   Perhaps you’re thinking that it’s time - to sell and relocate. So many places you could move, the choices now are great! With all the different areas in Kitchener and the “Loo”, Abundant choices everywhere.... [ more ]
Sep 11

Changing Weather in Waterloo Region

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (16883)
 In the summer of 2013, Waterloo Region has experienced a great deal of rainfall, several threatening storms with damaging winds, and near-tornado like conditions on more than one occasion.  Recent photos in local newspapers show toppled trees in many areas, flooding on several streets,... [ more ]
Feb 14

Selling Your Home in February

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (9902)
      It’s getting near the time of year, when many folks will say, perhaps we should consider moving - maybe we should stay. To sell and leave the neighbourhood is often never planned. It’s often just a sudden impulse – hard to understand.    ... [ more ]
Aug 20

Roundabout Signs

Blog posted by Wayne Canning  ::  Views (15044)
I was driving through a two-lane roundabout the other day, and a car with a boat trailer decided to go straight through the circle, instead of turning as they were supposed to do. I narrowly escaped having a 19 foot Bayliner as my new hood ornament.Is it just me, or are the signs on the local... [ more ]
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